2024 Incredible Edible Plant Sale a Fun Success!
Thank you!

A good time was had by all at the Incredible Edible Plant Sale! Over 900 people attended on this hot, sunny day! Over 10,000 pots of plants found homes! The sale was close to a sell-out setting almost $11,000 for the Multnomah County Master Gardeners Association which will help fund community outreach and education programs in the county to teach sustainable gardening and land stewardship practices.

Thank you to

  • everyone who bought plants!

  • each of the 200+ volunteers who pitched tents, wrangled plants, answered questions, entertained the kids, and gave amazing presentations.

  • our community partners who hosted tables: Oregon Bee Atlas, Growing Gardens, Feed the Mass, Multnomah County Vector Control and East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.

  • our vendors who brought us garden signs, soil, coffee, tamales and bowls: Victory Gardens of Tomorrow, Concentrates NW, Salvador Molly’s, and Carioca Bowls.

  • Cedar House Media for donating some of the printed materials.

Congratulations to the four lucky people who won prizes in our drawing!

Plants that were not sold were donated to non-profits who grow food for the Oregon Food Bank, to schools and other organizations who support our Multnomah County communities.


Image: Courtesy MCMGA


Your friendly, neighborhood Master Gardeners will be here to share tried-and-true, research- based garden know-how through our Facebook pages:

@IncredibleEdiblesPlantSale and @MultnomahMasterGardeners

Please follow both pages for home gardening tips year-round.

Please check out our online Speaker Series, featuring monthly talks from garden experts!