Growing, Educating, and Connecting Communities
Volunteer Opportunities
Master Gardeners are trained to provide research-based knowledge with the public to promote sustainable gardening practices. Our work supports and enhances the Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener™ Program.
Chapter-sponsored activities which have been approved by the Metro area Master Gardener Program are eligible for partner volunteer hours.
Learn more about How to Maintain Your OSU Master Gardener Certification
Incredible Edibles Plant Sale
A fun and festive volunteer opportunity!
Set up Friday May 9: Set up canopies, tables, signage and provide security. Seeking volunteers that are able to move tables and other materials.
Sale Saturday May 10: Morning and afternoon shifts are available for a variety of tasks, from setting up plants to customer service. At 3pm we will need help tearing down the sale tables.
Volunteer for our IE Sale - Sign up here
Volunteer Perk: As a volunteer, if you've ordered plants, you can collect them between 8:30-9:30am on May 10th.
*Chapter-sponsored activities which have been approved by the metro area Master Gardener Program are eligible for partner volunteer hours.
There are a variety of ways MCMGA members can take part and volunteer to support the Chapter’s efforts in community outreach, fundraising, and garden education. Dig-in and join us!
Be a part of the Master Gardener commitment to life-long learning and providing research-based knowledge with the public to promote sustainable gardening practices. Volunteer activities include planning and supporting various educational opportunities, such as the monthly Speaker Series, Garden Educator Community Projects, and classes offered at the Demonstration Garden and community throughout the year.
Are you interested in assisting with all the official ways we communicate, both among ourselves and with the general public? Communication members draw on their rich individual experience and collaborate to support and improve communications efforts, with the help of appropriate technology and tools. The committee is looking for new members to lend a hand with jobs large and small! If you would like to be a part of this, let us know!
Demonstration Garden
Be a part of the Multnomah County Chapter’s Community Demonstration Garden. Learn “in-the-garden” techniques from other Master Gardeners and share your own experiences. Outreach efforts from the garden educate the community and give hands-on experience to MGs on how to successfully and sustainably grow one’s own food as well as native plants and ornamentals.
Join the fun while helping to build financial support for our Chapter programs. There are many ways to help with our annual plant sale, the Incredible Edibles, as well as garden-related merchandise sales at many of our classes and events. Look for announcements of upcoming sales or contact us anytime at
Member Services
Are you interested in supporting our community of Master Gardeners and planning programs which keep our members engaged? Creating community is a key part of our Chapter’s success, and Member Services programs are designed to create and strengthen our communities. Working with Member Services is a great way to meet other MGs and offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities. You can get involved by helping to create special interest groups, organizing fun member events (Harvest Festival, Welcome Potluck, garden tours, field trips, etc.), managing membership renewals, and coordinating awards/recognition.