What’s Happening at the Demonstration Garden


JulySquash tunnel, eggplants and peppers, bird-proofing blueberries

JuneEcology classes for kids, dead trees give new life, protect seeds from squirrels

MayBenefits of trellising

AprilAmending clay soil, purchase “bee” safe plants, IPM tips

MarchTest seed viability, create bee habitat, install floating row cover

FebruaryMake seed tape, check soil temperature, prune blackberries and raspberries

JanuaryPlanning for small spaces, dry farming tips, favorite veggies and herbs for 2023 (part 2)


Recap the growing season, favorite veggies and herbs for 2023 (part 1)

NovemberAnalyze crop performance, put the beds to bed, sheet mulching

OctoberLeave the leaves and stems, winter cover crops

SeptemberObserve insects, fall crops, planting garlic

AugustThe Living Chinese Dragon, Deadheading, Watering Big Trees

JulyObserve pollinators, Chelsea Chop, dry farm flowers

JunePollinator meadow, dry farming, trellis tomatoes

MayDrip irrigation, weeds to watch, reuse garden materials

AprilSpring weeds, hardening-off plants, soil temperature

MarchSpring perennials, peat-free soil mixes

FebruaryWhite oak trees, Children’s and Butterfly Gardens, Willow Tunnel

JanuaryPlant native seeds, test seed viability, vegan garden bed