Come Visit and Learn at the Demonstration Garden!

Stop by for a visit or short tour of the garden in SE Portland. During the growing season (March through mid-November), we are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to noon, as well as some Saturdays. 

The garden is located on SE 57th Ave about 500 feet south of SE Duke Street. Parking is on the east side of 57th. Go through the pedestrian gate and follow the gravel path a short distance through the orchard to the Demonstration Garden. We would love to see you!

The garden is on TriMet bus line #19 that stops at SE 57th Ave & SE Duke St., which is about 500 feet from the garden’s gate. Bicycles can be secured inside the garden.

Close parking is available for those with mobility issues and can be arranged by sending us an email. There is an ADA accessible porta potty on site.

Let us know if you would like to come play in the garden with us! We look forward to reconnecting or meeting new friends!   If you want to join our work crew, just send an email to