MCMGA Board Minutes for April 23, 2024

Cynthia Chase, Carole Hardy, Jen Hazen, Susan Marcus, Lorna Schilling, John Jordan, Heidi Nichols, Linda Goldser, Rich Becker, Jack Lazareck, Marcia McIntyre, Annie LaVerdure-Weller

March 26th meeting minutes:
Motion to approve - Linda
Seconded - Jen
Approved by all


  1. Membership Update. Heidi referred to her email sent earlier in the day: 164 total members, 4 lifetime members, and 3 trainees. Jan McNeilan, Joyce Oar, Jean Edmison, Claudia Groth are the 4 lifetime members. We’ll discuss the directory at subsequent meeting after new trainees info is entered.

  2. Treasurer Report. Subcommittee met and discussed possibility of investing in a short-term CD. We have estate legacy gifts totaling $15k and another $20K earmarked as reserves - will possibly invest that $35k in a CD. Jen is looking at CD rates at various credit unions and will send that info to the board so we can make a decision. Might consider ladder CDs. Might do a six month CD to start - gets us to the end of the fiscal year and then we can incorporate investing strategy in next year’s budget. Bonfire merchandise sales are up and running. Different options in terms of getting the income returned to us (grants, etc.). Merchandise sales can’t be available all year - must be kept to a limited duration or else it generates Unrelated Business Income (UBI) and additional tax liability. Carole will announce merchandise sales in the next eNews which will be available through May 19. Might open merch sales again for a limited run to coincide with Harvest fest or another chapter event later in the year.

  3. IE Sale. Carole - Excellent job done recruiting volunteers. Only 28 volunteer spots left open. Rich said they tried to recruit interns at the volunteer fair and thinks the remaining positions might be filled by interns. We have more volunteers signed up than we’ve had for any prior sales so we should be good. Annie volunteered to help with signs. Claudia will be on Hello Rose City on May 1st for a 5 minute segment. We have three food vendors and six great speakers lined - need to talk up speakers and vendors with customers during the event. All details are on the MCMGA website. Plant prices are competitive but took into account our expertise: six-packs are $4.50; 3.5” squares for $3.50; and 4” rounds for $4.50.

  4. Volunteer Fair. Great event. Cynthia sold 19 shirts = $380. They signed up 32 interns to receive DG news/possible volunteers. 79 interns in total attendance. Great signage from Mike.

  5. Dennis Brown. Secured grant from Portland Garden Club for irrigation at Bybee Lakes Hope Center.

  6. Dr Lyles. Lorna recommended we donate $500 in Dr. Lyle’s memory. Approved by board. Not sure where we’ll make contribution but Cynthia will reach out to Andrew for a suggestion.

  7. Restoration Project adjacent to DG. Carole talked about a possible project/collaboration in the arboretum area next to the DG. Land is owned by PPS and is a mix of native and non-native trees, with lots of invasive plants and little maintenance work done over the years. Project is to remove invasives and build native habitat. Carole contacted Xerces Society, Wisdom of the Elders, and Bird Alliance of Oregon about working together to restore the area. Lots of enthusiasm. Got the ok from PPS and started by working to remove the invasive (laurel, blackberries ivy, etc.). The partners will apply for a Portland Clean Energy grant fund to fund restoration and ongoing maintenance. The three groups (Xerces, Wisdom & Bird Alliance) and Carole jointly sent a proposal to PPS. Carole clarified that she has been acting in her capacity as a Forest Ecologist and instructor at Portland State University, not as a Master Gardener. MCMGA is not formally engaged in the project. Questions include: Does MCMGA want to partner in this project? Can MGs get partner hours for working on the project? Marcia suggested that Carole submit a Project Activity Form to OSU Extension which describes MG's involvement as educators, not maintenance workers. If it is approved as a project, then MG's could get partner hours for volunteering. Grant funding will be used to hire BIPOC workforce for the restoration and maintenance work. Rich and Jack discussed difficulties in working with PPS staff in the past. Annie discussed the difficulties/politics in dealing with some community organizations and suggested we focus on clear communications. Carole noted that her contacts at PPS, Monica Fleischer/Sustainability Program Manager and Rachel Hermansen/Principal of the Community Transition School, are very supportive. A formal project proposal to PPS is in review. Cynthia suggested that Carole contact Dennis Brown for info about collaborations with community partners. Jack said is in support of this project. Cynthia said she would like to look at the existing project proposal. 

  8. Demo Garden. Drip irrigation system is up & running, and new shed is almost finished. Had first harvest last week of spring veggies. Soils Workshop on 4/13 very successful with 20 attendees. Planning an irrigation workshop in June. Earth Day: Gave away 50 mason bee houses made by Franklin High School students and hundreds of seed packets. Event wasn’t as well attended as in the past, but huge amount of enthusiasm from those who attended. Gave away many DG cards and IE Sale postcards. DG is open for volunteers Mondays & Thursdays from 9-12. Carole talked about wanting to have more community workshops at the DG. Mentioned the Oregon Bee Atlas handout re. pollinator meadows as a possible education opportunity.


Next Board Meeting:
May 28th @ 6pm

Meeting led by: Cynthia Chase
Adjourned at: 7:32
Notes taken by: Susan Marcus
Minutes approved on: 05/28/24