MCMGA Board Minutes for September 24, 2024

6:00pm via Zoom

Cynthia Chase, Lorna Schilling, Mike Rutherford, John Jordan, Linda Goldser, Rich Becker, Marcia McIntyre, Kim Butchereit, Carole Hardy

August 27th meeting minutes:
Minutes from the August board meeting were approved by email in which we voted to move forward with changing banking institutions to Advantis CU.


Banking. All but $2,400 of the Chapter’s funds have been moved to Advantis. Most of the money is in a savings account that earns 4.75%APR, but is subject to change. We discussed putting $35,000 in a 9 month CD at 4%, but voted against this for the time being. The $2,400 left in Wells Fargo will be transferred to Advantis at $100 a month in order to support the savings interest benefits. 

Chapter Meeting. Cynthia and Carole have proposed an in-person chapter meeting to discuss what to do with endowments the chapter has received and ask chapter members about what they would like to have the chapter do. It was decided that we will have a meeting on November 19th at the large meeting room at Holgate Library. It will run from 6:00 to 7:45 and there will be snacks. LeeAnn Locher will be asked to speak on Climate Change priorities for OSU. There will be some form of written suggestions solicited. The hope is that this can become a quarterly or bimonthly meeting throughout the winter months at different libraries.

Speaker’s Guild. Kim Butchereit (Education Program Assistant for Multnomah County) would like to promote and create more interest for the Speaker’s Guild. We have historically had a hard time coordinating this between OSU and the counties. 

Harvest Fest. Mike is creating a Google Group for the Harvest Fest. We plan to start the planning earlier in the year for 2025. The tool sharpening was great, but many people forgot or didn’t realize this was happening. It was suggested that the awards be given early in the Harvest Fest so people can leave when they want to. It was suggested that people tell gardening stories as part of the event. It was attended by 61 Master Gardeners with some friends and families: 25 of those who attended were event volunteers (22 Perennial and 3 intern MGs). 36 of the attendees were non-event volunteers ( 8 Perennial MGs, 27 guests, and 4 kids over the age of 12. Linda Goldser has created an inventory of the event supplies we have at the DG. 

Demo Garden Report. Linda reported that there have been 1,500 lbs of produce donated so far with some heavy crops yet to be harvested. This includes 200 lbs provided by volunteers. There have been an average of 12 volunteers per harvest day. The sheds have both been painted and half the shelving has been put in the new shed. The 2025 bed plans are in process and all beds have assigned teams. Later in the fall, drip irrigation will be pulled up and stored and the beds will be covered with appropriate straw, mulch or cover crops. There have been 150 visitors to the garden plus 600 attending events and tours. It was suggested that there be a kiosk for notices and a calendar of upcoming events. The 4th Sunday of each month from April to October are Sunday In the Garden events. They have been attended by many non-MGs with many questions. Each Sunday In the Garden event has a theme that is discussed and taught. Gail Langellotto attended the Winter Gardening Sunday. There are 52 volunteers to the Demo Garden, 30 of those are regular volunteers. In addition, 40 new volunteers have been trained this year including 6 community members (some of whom are waiting to win the MG training lottery.) 

Communications. The Board will ask the Communications Committee to look into a social media aggregator so that we can post things once to go to all the social media sites.

Insurance. Following the meeting, the board voted via email (7 in favor, 0 against) to pay an annual premium increase of $220 to lower our insurance deductible from $5,000 to $500.

Next Board Meeting: 
October 22nd 

Meeting led by: Cynthia Chase 
Adjourned at: 7:15pm  
Notes taken by: Lorna Schilling
Minutes approved on: 10/22/24