MCMGA Board Minutes for January 7, 2025
/6:00pm via Zoom
Cynthia Chase, Carole Hardy, Susan Marcus, Lorna Schilling, John Jordan, Linda Goldser,\ Rich Becker, Angela Myatt, Kim Butchereit, Jack Lazareck, Valentina Chau, Jennifer Nottingham, Amanda Rondeau, Winnie Mauch, Corinne Thomas-Kersting, Marilyn Frankel, Marcia McIntyre
Secretary | Valentina Chau |
OMGA Rep | Angela Wyatt |
Past President | Lorna Schilling |
President | Cynthia Chase (key executive) |
Vice President | Carole Hardy |
Treasurer | Jen Hazen (key executive) |
Historian | Mike Rutherford |
Fundraising | John Jordan |
Demo Garden | Linda Goldser |
Membership | Heidi Nichols |
Communications | Susanne Cavicchi |
Bookkeeper | Jennifer Nottingham (key executive) |
OMGA Rep Alt | Rich Becker |
December 3rd meeting minutes:
Motion to approve - Lorna
Seconded - Linda
Approved by all
MCMGA Website. Corinne Thomas-Kersting discussed chapter website. Several years ago the Communications Committee did a review of our communication channels, including the website. The website then got a major overhaul in order to make it easier to navigate, more attractive, etc. Website is primarily designed for the general public, but section called Chapter Members is geared specifically for our members. Corinne showed us all of the tabs at the top of the website, how different sections link together, and how a topic may appear on more than one page. Website is maintained by Kaz, and Corinne acts as the conduit between the chapter and Kaz. Please allow three weeks notice in order for something to get posted on the website. They can now add a banner at the top of the page if there’s something we want to call particular attention to. Discussion about Youtube channel and Valentina suggested putting videos in playlists. Discussion about how continuing education units are identified, areas that need to be updated (dry farming, new 2025 board meeting dates and new officers), broken link to OSU Speakers Guild, and adding link to program hours on the Volunteer Opportunities page. Rich asked about metrics of the website - how many visits to the site, which links are clicked the most, etc. Corinne needs access to Squarespace in order to get that info and will discuss it at next Communications Committee meeting.
Election of 2025 Board. Cynthia talked about elections and that she has appointed Jennifer Nottingham as bookkeeper.
Bank Signing Authority. Bank signing authority approved for Jen Hazen/Treasurer, Jennifer Nottingham/Bookkeeper, and Cynthia Chase/President. Christine Semeniuk will continue to have signing authority until 2024 financials are completed.
IE Sale. Carole and Linda are co-chairing this year. Rich is working on the catalog, but in the meantime they’ll post last year’s catalog on the website because it’s a great marketing tool. Sign-up Genius will be open for volunteers in about 2 weeks.
Member Event at Steeplejack. Saturday, Jan 18 from noon-2pm. A social event combined with an opportunity to show volunteer opportunities at the IE sale, DG, community education events, etc. There will be three activities: seed tape demo, seed swap, and OSU Extension’s new garden resiliency tool. Winnie talked about the need for chapter social interaction and benefit of this being a daytime event.
PPS Project. Discussion postponed until next board meeting. Special Speaker. Special Speaker on 1/23/2025. Alyssa Shiel will be speaking about her research on lead in soils in inner Portland related to old overhead telephone cables. Approved as an education credit. More info to come.
Demo Garden. Linda reported that there have been some volunteers working over the past month, primarily to finish gravel path to new shed. Carole and the Dragon Bed team harvested 76 pounds of parsnips from the winter bed. Bed planners are working behind the scenes to plan the beds. Many of these volunteers will start the plants for their beds at home. Teams for education and outreach busy planning for upcoming season. DG volunteers start working on Mondays later this month, will add Thursday shifts in March, and then add Thursday evening and Saturday morning shifts in April.
Miscellaneous. Kim reported that first training class starts late January. Modules are online with Wednesday night live webinars, and they plan to include some in-person activities as well. Discussion about state-wide Seed to Supper program (upcoming informational meeting in Clackamas and more info to come) and new video for the Growing & Belonging requirement (child safety standards).
Next Board Meeting:
January 28th
Meeting led by: Cynthia Chase
Adjourned at: 7:29
Notes taken by: Susan Marcus
Minutes approved on: 01/10/25 (via email)